What is Aspergillus niger? Aspergillus niger is the most abundant mold found throughout the environment – in soil, water, vegetation, in fecal matter, decomposing matter, or even floating in the air. Cannabis farms have found Aspergillus spores … [Read more...]
UV Disinfection for Mold Remediation
Ultraviolet disinfection destroys the DNA of mold spores and stops their growth. Learn more about how Atlantic Ultraviolet's products can help.
Germs and Odors in the Air are No Match for UV-C and Ozone Together
The Monozone™ Ultraviolet Air Ozone Generator uses STER-L-RAY ® Germicidal Ozone-Producing Lamps to remove germs and odors in the air. In unoccupied spaces, you can deactivate virus, bacteria, and fungi with germicidal UV-C. Ozone removes smells such … [Read more...]
Indirect UV Air Purification Creates a Healthy Breathing Environment
Your customer wants to protect their staff and clients from the daily onslaught of infectious germs. Just seconds of exposure to simple colds, flu, and chronic diseases like TB can infect everyone in their space. Not only can cross infection be a … [Read more...]
Sani·Ray Direct Germicidal UV Fixtures for Your Air & Surface Disinfection Needs
Your staff, clients, and products face serious risks from airborne and surface-spreading germs. With an ultraviolet disinfection system, you can stop contamination and illness before microorganisms have a chance to reproduce. Sani·Ray® Direct … [Read more...]
AeroLogic HVAC Duct Disinfection Has 3 Models with a Variety of Configurations
Your HVAC ducts are full of microorganisms. They can trigger allergies and asthma in healthy people, and life-threatening illnesses in the young, elderly, and those with compromised immune systems. These pathogens help spread colds, the flu, and … [Read more...]
Expand Your Product Offering with Sanidyne® UV Portable Area Sanitizers
UV Portable Area Sanitizers — A Solution for Unoccupied Rooms Your clients risk bacteria, virus, and fungi unexpectedly popping up and rapidly spreading infection in their facilities. A permanent ultraviolet sanitizer won't work for them. They … [Read more...]