What is Rotavirus? Rotavirus is a virus that primarily affects infants and young children under 5 years old, causing intestinal disease. While adults can become infected, their disease is usually milder. In the United States and other … [Read more...]
UV Disinfection for Daycare Centers
Daycare centers are constantly dealing with sick children. UV air and surface disinfection will help them prevent outbreaks of Coxsackie, Rotavirus, Flu, COVID-19, Strep, and many more.
Coxsackie is Inactivated by UV-C Light
What is Coxsackie? Coxsackie is a virus that causes Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease, which appears as a blister-like rash on the hands, feet, or mouth. The infection usually occurs in children under 10 years of age and is common in children under 5 … [Read more...]
Indirect UV Air Purification Creates a Healthy Breathing Environment
Your customer wants to protect their staff and clients from the daily onslaught of infectious germs. Just seconds of exposure to simple colds, flu, and chronic diseases like TB can infect everyone in their space. Not only can cross infection be a … [Read more...]
Sani·Ray Direct Germicidal UV Fixtures for Your Air & Surface Disinfection Needs
Your staff, clients, and products face serious risks from airborne and surface-spreading germs. With an ultraviolet disinfection system, you can stop contamination and illness before microorganisms have a chance to reproduce. Sani·Ray® Direct … [Read more...]