UV-C Assists Well Water Owners in Reaching EPA Recommended Zero Bacteria Count

The Risk at Hand

Even the best-maintained and newest private water wells face contamination risks that can cause health impacts. In fact, the odds of your well containing harmful contaminants are probably much higher than you realize. Nearly 23% of private wells studied by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)open_in_new had one or more contaminants present. How do you know if your well water is dangerous? Due to EPA recommended zero bacteria countopen_in_new for various microorganisms, how do you protect yourself and loved ones from pathogens, protozoa, and virus that all present health risks?

Have Your Well Water Tested Yearly

Water test results that help confirm EPA recommended zero bacteria

Experts recommend you have your water tested by a certified laboratory at least once a year, or more often if there’s reason for concern. Water tests will indicate whether or not coliform is present in your well water. Coliform is easy to grow in a lab setting and is useful in indicating harmful bacteria.

Lab tests will also indicate the presence of nitrates and dissolved solids, as well as water pH levels. Your goal is to achieve the EPA recommended zero bacteria count for microorganisms like fecal coliform, E. coli, Giardia, and Cryptosporidium.

Why You May Need More Frequent Water Testing

Sick man in pain and holding abdomen
Waterborne Illness
Yellowish water in a glass
Off Color
Cloudy water in a glass
Woman looking at water and questioning its quality
Water coming out of a kitchen faucet at not full strength
Reduced Water Pressure
Construction vehicle moving dirt
Increased Construction or Agricultural Activity
Water coming out of a kitchen faucet at not full strength
Reduced Water Pressure
Construction vehicle moving dirt
Increase in Construction
Construction vehicle moving dirt
Increased Construction or Agricultural Activity

Have Your Well Inspected Periodically

Periodic inspection by a well water specialist is also recommended in order to rule out any physical issues near or with your well. Reduced water pressure can be an indicator that your plumbing is leaking, which can allow contamination to enter the plumbing system. Other areas of concern that the inspection can reveal are bad or corroded fittings, casings, and pipes, as well as abandoned water wells. When inadequately decommissioned or not decommissioned at all, these wells can provide a direct gateway for runoff and animal waste to get into the groundwater and aquifer, eventually contaminating your well.

Diagram inside UV water purifier achieving EPA recommended zero bacteria, with 4 product lines below

Whenever possible, you want to remove the contamination source. However, many natural and unnatural sources can’t always be removed. Water in your well is provided by groundwater that is always moving, meaning your well water quality is always changing — daily, weekly, and monthly. Adding an appropriate sized Atlantic Ultraviolet water disinfection system as part of your well water treatment deactivates E. coli, Salmonella, and other harmful bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

Our engineers developed the Bio-Logic®, MINIPURE®, MIGHTY★PURE®, and SANITRON® product lines for safe, economical, and powerful water purification. Visit their pages below on AtlanticUltraviolet.com or contact our UV Application Specialists in order to determine which model will work best for your application. Call (631) 273-0500 or email Sales@AtlanticUV.com.

SANITRON® models S37C, S50C, and S2400C are certified to NSF®/ANSI 61 and 372 — Drinking Water System Component – Health Effects and Lead Content. There are several accessories available that can help with the overall operation of your water purification system, such as a GUARDIAN Germicidal UV Monitoropen_in_new to aid in discovering changes in your water quality.

Learn More & Shop UV Purifiers for Well Water Contamination

Atlantic Ultraviolet Corporation’s water purifiers are constructed from stainless steel and the highest quality materials, using UV-C lamps to neutralize harmful microorganisms. There are several product lines and various models designed for residential, commercial, and industrial use. Available accessories provide flexibility for virtually any application.

Shop at AtlanticUltraviolet.com

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