Positive Review from Brigham and Women’s Hospital regarding Upper Room UVGI

Hygeaire upper room UV disinfection installed on hospital room wall

In January 2010, Atlantic Ultraviolet Corporation received a glowing review from a highly respected expert in the field of upper room UVGI. Our Hygeaire® Ultraviolet Indirect Air Disinfection Fixtures were put to the test at Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s Tuberculosis Ultraviolet Shelter Study, and in studies in South Africa, and passed with flying colors.

Dear Atlantic Ultraviolet:

As you know, I have been engaged in research on the development of upper room UVGI for the past 25 years. At Harvard we have tested many different UV fixtures for use in our studies of UV efficacy and safety and have found that those produced by Atlantic consistently meet or exceed our performance expectations. For that reason we have included your fixtures for testing in the Tuberculosis Ultraviolet Shelter Study (TUSS), and more recently in our NIOSH-sponsored studies in South Africa. In our experience, Atlantic is an industry leader in producing fixtures that both provide high levels of useful germicidal UV in the upper room while at the same time producing low levels of UV in the lower, occupied portion of the room.

As the application of upper room UVGI evolves, we hope to continue to work with you to assure the production of fixtures that are safe, effective, and affordable.

—Edward A Nardell, MD, Assoc. Prof., Harvard Medical School & School of Public Health
Upper room UVGI positive letter

Learn More & Shop Hygeaire®

Made in the USA from U.S. and imported parts (since the 1940s), our Hygeaire® UV-C Indirect Air Fixtures are constructed corrosion-resistant stainless steel, aluminum, and the highest quality materials. They use germicidal lamps to project UV rays across upper room air in occupied spaces. Models can be mounted on the wall or ceiling in residential, commercial, and industrial applications.

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