Be Sure You’re Getting the Right UV-C Dose with Assure™ UV-C Dosimeters

Digital UV-C dosimeter with number on screen and virus in background

Our Assure™ UV-C Dosimeter is a portable, full-featured instrument that provides highly-accurate UV-C measurements in mJ/cm2. It’s the perfect complement to your direct germicidal UV air and surface disinfection equipment. Be sure you’re getting the right UV-C dose without any guesswork. Purchase a precision Assure™ UV-C Dosimeter and get lab-grade performance at an affordable price.

Specifications & Features

Digital UV dosimeter on a table with numbers pointing to its features
  1. Accurate sensor is calibrated for 254 nm (wavelength produced by UV-C lamps) and has a 100° field of view (±50° cone). Excellent immunity to visible light.
  2. Always-on display shows total UV-C dose in mJ/cm2 (Range up to 199 mJ/cm2). Auto resets to always display latest dose in daily disinfection applications.
  3. Button resets dose measurement. Can also be held to display hours since last dose.
  4. Operates continuously for 1 year on a AAA battery.
  5. Sits upright, on back, or side for various sensing orientations. Can also be placed in supplied wall holder.

Make Sure You’re Getting the Right UV-C Dose to Inactivate Harmful Pathogens

  • View our UV-C dosage page for a list of microorganisms and the appropriate UV dose that neutralizes each one. See examples above.
  • Validate that surfaces and equipment have received the desired amount of UV-C to inactivate those harmful pathogens.*
  • Use with every disinfection cycle.
  • Train staff, validate lamp output, and use as an auditing tool.

*Please Note: UV Dosimeters are intended as a visual reference of UV-C irradiation only and are not a substitute for microbiological testing to verify decontamination or disinfection.

Use with Direct UV-C Disinfection Models in Unoccupied Spaces

Assure™ UV-C Dosimeters are designed to work with direct germicidal UV air and surface disinfection models, in unoccupied spaces or when proper protective gear is worn. Shop our applicable product lines at

The following locations, when unoccupied, are perfect for UV-C dosimeters:

  • Gyms
  • Hotels
  • Offices
  • Casinos
  • Schools
  • Airports
  • Hospitals
  • Restaurants
  • Trains / Buses
  • Grocery Stores
Dosimeter with wall holder, surrounded by applications where it can be used

Learn More & Shop UV-C Dosimeters

Designed for use with our direct UV disinfection models, UV-C Dosimeters help confirm adequate disinfection levels or guard against harmful UV exposure. Contact our UV application specialists for help with ordering various replacement parts and accessories.

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