Atlantic Ultraviolet Headquarters Utilizes its Own Hygeaire® Models for Continued Germicidal UV Air Disinfection

Hygeaire germicidal UV air disinfection model installed on office wall

Atlantic Ultraviolet recognizes the value of UV air disinfection for its own employees, and has recently installed 6 of its Hygeaire® Germicidal UV Indirect Air Disinfection Fixtures at its headquarters in Hauppauge, NY. The well-being of its employees is of upmost importance. Hygeaire® models purify upper room air in occupied spaces in order to reduce the risk of cross-infection. These fixtures project germicidal ultraviolet rays across the upper room air, thereby destroying bacteria and virus that are carried into the ultraviolet field by convection currents or air circulation.

Hygeaire installed in manufacturing area
4 Hygeaire® LIND24-EVO Models Installed 10ft Above the Floor in Atlantic Ultraviolet Manufacturing Area

Since 1963, Atlantic Ultraviolet Corporation® has been manufacturing germicidal ultraviolet water and air disinfection equipment. Over the course of the past year, germicidal UV disinfection has been more widely utilized due to its ability to inactivate many infectious airborne microbes. UV technology will continue to be vital for many residential, commercial, and industrial applications. While the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us, Atlantic Ultraviolet will continue to provide its customers with the germicidal UV air disinfection models they need in order to keep their patients and clients safe.

Learn More & Shop Hygeaire®

Made in the USA from U.S. and imported parts (since the 1940s), our Hygeaire® UV-C Indirect Air Fixtures are constructed corrosion-resistant stainless steel, aluminum, and the highest quality materials. They use germicidal lamps to project UV rays across upper room air in occupied spaces. Models can be mounted on the wall or ceiling in residential, commercial, and industrial applications.

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