Q8: Is there an ultraviolet option to DISINFECT my HOME and PROTECT my FAMILY?
A8: We sell a variety of ultraviolet equipment that may be right for you. Depending on what you are looking to treat, we can help you narrow down the best ultraviolet disinfection product for your home.
Which System Might Be Best For You?
- Portable, wall or ceiling mounted models
- Visible UV-C fixture shows regard for the health of your family / friends
- Continuous disinfection without special attention
- Improves air circulation
- Filters impurities
- CEILING UNIT is typically a permanent installation
- CEILING UNIT Requires professional installation
- Surfaces are not treated
Recommended Locations
- Bedrooms
- Livingroom
- Kitchen
- Home office
- Bathrooms
- Laundry room
- Basements
Lowers cross-contamination and increases air flow in occupied rooms
Constant room air changes with air treated by UV-C light
AeroLogic® Germicidal Ultraviolet Air Duct Disinfection Systems
Unoccupied Spaces / HVAC Air Supply
HVAC Disinfection
- Units may be mounted into new or existing duct systems
- Reduces and/or eliminates the growth of bacteria and mold in your HVAC system
- Controls the spread of airborne virus and diseases
- Continuous disinfection without special attention
- Numerous models available
- Disinfects air in HVAC ONLY
- Professional contractor needed to install
- Fan required for continuous treatment
Recommended Locations
- HVAC duct
Disinfecting air and ducts in HVAC and disinfecting coil in HVAC unit
Sanidyne® Germicidal Ultraviolet Portable Area Sanitizers
Unoccupied Spaces
Timed Air & Surface Disinfection
- Easily moves from room to room
- Irradiates air and exposed surfaces with ultraviolet rays
- Rooms as large as 3,500 sq. ft. can be treated with one fixture
- Treatment time can be customized to room size
- Sanidyne® can be placed in areas that would be difficult for other styles to treat
- Must be used in UNOCCUPIED Spaces
- Safety Gear is required
Recommended Locations
- UNOCCUPIED Livingroom
- UNOCCUPIED Home office
- UNOCCUPIED Bathrooms
- UNOCCUPIED Laundry room
- UNOCCUPIED Basements
Disinfecting air/surfaces in conjunction with cleaning protocol
Our ultraviolet air and surface purification lines are designed for your commercial and residential applications — with the exception of the AeroLogic®, that can be used in residential, commercial, or industrial settings. All models use STER-L-RAY® Germicidal UV-C Lamps that emit a UV wavelength highly lethal to virus, bacteria, and mold spores. Everyone benefits when UV-C radiation reduces the incidence of MRSA, C. Diff, and TB — and everyone benefits when UV virtually eliminates cold and flu germs. Cross-contamination is reduced, providing healthy, pure air and relief from allergies and asthma.
Below is a summary of our UV Air & Surface Disinfection Models that may help you decide the best ultraviolet disinfection product for your home:
- The SANITAIRE® uses a combination of germicidal UV lamps, washable electrostatic, absolute HEPA, or disposable particulate filters, and blowers for controlled flow of purified air. It continuously disinfects the air in occupied spaces with virtually no maintenance.
- The Sanidyne® is the portable solution where a permanent sanitizer is not an option, allowing you to sanitize the air and exposed surfaces in unoccupied areas as needed. A 1,000 sq. ft. room can be disinfected in under one hour. Its portability also makes it an economical way to use ultraviolet disinfection in your application. There are several models to choose from.
- The AeroLogic® installs inside your new or existing HVAC air ducts. This fixture eliminates airborne microbes inside the ducts so that fresh, pure air enters the occupied room. Several models are available for most home, commercial, and industrial HVAC units.